Needs better scene planning and better voice acting. But I can see this becoming a large success if you can fill those two gaps.
Needs better scene planning and better voice acting. But I can see this becoming a large success if you can fill those two gaps.
Maybe you can lend me some money to hire some professional animators and voice actors for this.
I'm afraid the premise is pretty damn similar to Sakupen's Dad Series. Much of what happened was the same as a matter of fact. So I'm quite dissatisfied with this. And I'm sure you were unaware of the matter, but still.
Actually a couple other people have said it was like Dad. So I went back and re-watched the series and I have to say they're not that similar. I mean, yeah, you have the main character who's always smiling and causing destruction. And of course the office scenario. But it's not like the office in this cartoon is the central point. And I honestly didn't even realize it was like Dad when I was making it.
Punchline and setup needed better timing, but fun.
It was great animation. The voices, set up and execution could have used a faster pace, especially for a joke as quick as that. But, it was cute, fun and enjoyable. Keep up the good work.
Thank you! I much appreciate the criticism.
Very funny stuff!
Being raised Mormon, this was hilarious... You had great characters, great dialogue, great content, GREAT animation, great comedic timing. My only... problem with it was the Simpsons "A'Yyyeeeeess" guy... But, it's easily overlooked... Typically people use those kind of references as a crutch for comedy, (and for some reason they think it's cool and original to use it non-stop) because, they themselves aren't funny to begin with, in my opinion.
BUT! I digress... Good stuff. And I've liked the Larry series from the beginning.
I am curious where you got the idea to use the mormon idea? Cause, it was pretty accurate...
10/10 5/5
i'm a mormon and served as a missionary, thats where i got the idea :P and thats why it's pretty accurate :P
Be More Relevant
You say, to past reviewers, that you wanted to show what you were capable of doing in a short period of time. The problem is you didn't. You had a couple of clips that were nearly ten seconds long and that's about it. If you want to show skill animate a full flash, with or without sprites. Keep the plot to at least forty-five seconds long. At LEAST.
Get more meaty and relevant content and then you'll have a far better production in the end.
Sorry you didn't enjoy it.
Not a fan...
Okay... You have a great eye for cinematography... Your characters look strange though... Too thin, badly colored, somewhat badly animated and unbelievable.
The world you've created is weird as crap... You've got a city that looks like it's from Pokémon with a king in it... Everyone's wearing T-Shirts and slacks... It's weird. Then in your regular looking city they have hover machines... Stick to one realm of invention...
The voice acting... was... Passable. The actors don't speak with very good diction or clarity and it's all a little too cavalier and uninteresting. Step it up two notches and you'll have that down pegged though.
Music was really good. Opening segment especially. You had it timed well and it was very cinematic in nature. So no complaints there.
Your animation itself is fine- Clean up your characters alot though... And set one idea for the world itself... You're all over the place... The king was in a freaking office building it looked like...
The reason you get as high a score as I'm giving is because I can see SOOO much room for improvement. I think after another five to ten animations I'll have proper respect for your work. Clean and clean and clean your stuff up.
In accordance to your "world" paragraph, I've basically made the setting exactly as I want it to be. The city is futuristic with flying vehicles (But as stated, most are not supposed to go like 2 feet of the ground or something..), I prefer sword fights to gun fights, they seem much more fun to watch, so I've decided gunpowder and stuff just doesn't exist, so all hand to hand combat (for the most part.)
The thing is, this situation works in my head. People keep saying "oh your story is so uncreative, its like a rip off of other things." but is the setting not proof enough that my story has some originality?
Egoraptor is Not a Redeeming Feature
First off... The animation was of a passable feature, dare I say, the best feature. Although the Jokers recycled mouth movements got in the way for me. The jokes sucked... Slow... Uninteresting... Not founded in anything worth while... The dialogue itself was just exerpts from the movie in no particular order and were just shoddy and hindered the movie further.
The voice acting was poorly done. Sadly Egoraptor, who has ALWAYS delivered the goods with voices, was a disappointment, rather than a redeeming quality. The voice of Joker was poor and boring to listen to. And his mic has a slight static pop and was a different quality than the one Ego must have used...
I have no idea how this made front page to be honest. The best thing about this was the animation itself... The biggest disapoointment was Ego not delivering as well as he has in the past. But, please try again. I think you're getting close to being funny. *shrug*
lol,, I just lol at you.
Finally new talent
This is what flash is all about. A subtle poignant thing you've got going. The music set up the idea and feel of the project. Keep this up and you'll go far. Keep it up. You had the right balance of art and comedy. Brilliant. 10/10 5/5
Wow, thanks. I was hoping for as positive response from the viewers but I never imagined I'd get a 3.4 on my first animation. Hopefully a sign of things to come?
The drawings weren't that good. The voice that Sonic had was excruciating. Content WAS funny. But because of the eh, less than good drawings it kind of didn't carry the joke far enough.
Jack of All Trades
Voice Director for Hazbin Hotel
Voice in Lost in Random,
Stick it to the Man, and many more
Age 37, Male
Voice Actor
Joined on 6/30/08