Jack of All Trades
Voice Director for Hazbin Hotel
Voice in Lost in Random,
Stick it to the Man, and many more

Seth Atkinson @OdellAtkinson

Age 37, Male

Voice Actor


Joined on 6/30/08

Exp Points:
5,902 / 6,400
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.53 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 11m 30d

OdellAtkinson's News

Posted by OdellAtkinson - June 9th, 2014

Well, it's been some time since my last post.
I've got a few things in the irons on the side of voice acting. There will be more to follow probably in the next few weeks concerning that. I know I've got one thing that should be nearing done that I worked on with Impkid. Just like everything else of his it looks astoundingly good.

And a few other things I'm not allowed to talk about. You know how it be, all hush hush n' shite.

As for the game development goes for Home (for those of you that care/know/that give a wet dribble). We're getting back to a good stage of prototyping, after we rebooted the gameplay from scratch. It's been a process but we're getting to a great point again where we can slowly start showing some progress.

I'll even show one of my little conceptual art doodles on the side.


For those of you that don't know what this game is, it's a fun platformer not unlike Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario World, with a splash of Mega Man. It'll feature the voice talents of Kyle Hebert, the voice of Ryu (Street Fighter), and Gohan (Dragon Ball Z), and  Jon Bailey of Honest Trailers fame, as well as XCOM: Enemy Unkown. And Abby Collins, understudy to Rob Paulsen, and some big things which she can't list cause of non-disclosure agreements. Fun!

So there's my quick 3 minute rant. I promise I, and my team are working tirelessly to bring you some fine entertainment.

And shortly I'll be launching a big personal venture to bring to the world and to the newgrounds audience. Patience pays off, guys. Much love and moistness,


P.S. I am currently available for voice work. Shoot me a PM! I'd love to get some fun stuff under my belt currently.

Posted by OdellAtkinson - December 18th, 2013

Posted by OdellAtkinson - December 2nd, 2013

I finally got permission from the producer to release my first ever recording for a cartoon onto Newgrounds to share with you lovely people! It's called Mushroom Soup! Please have a look and give it a share. Hopefully it puts you in a nice calm place.

So my first console game has released: Stick It to the Man and has been receiving incredible reviews!! I was joined in it by newgrounds alum Hnilmik, Apatheria, SonicMega, Sapphire just to name a few!! It's an incredible ride and an even more incredible purchase. A'hwink wink.

Last weekend I got to direct legendary Jess Harnell of the ANIMANIACS at a show last weekend. It was an amazing event. He was quite a charmer and incredibly nice, as you might expect. ;)

Finally got the prototype for Home running. Woot. Can't say much more. The rest will be a surprise. But it's coming along nicely.

And last but not least I'll be working with Zeurel on a Pokemon toon he's making. I believe we begin recording for it shortly.

So that's it for now. The rest is just me preparing for my inevitable move to L.A. Where I plan to live in a mansion, get every gig I audition for, and learn to fart fully formed unicorns who are classically trained on the piano.

Voice Acting, eh?

Posted by OdellAtkinson - October 14th, 2013

SO! In November I'm going to be directing Jess Harnell (Wakko, The Animaniacs) at a convention for a small show which is amazing.

Scripting for Home is nearing half completion. And recording will be begin before the end of the year most likely.

I'm trying to move back to Los Angeles early - mid-January.

Oct 2 was the 1 year anniversary of the release of Salem! Over 1,000,000 playthroughs internet wide, which is huge news!

I'll be working on Zeurel's pokemon cartoon. And I'm soooo excited. I've been wanting to work with him for ages. /+50 Achievement Points

And Stick it to the Man my first true console game should be releasing sometime this fall/winter! So keep in touch newgrounds bigger and better things are constantly coming forth!

Life is good!!

Posted by OdellAtkinson - September 1st, 2013

Kristen Stewart is to acting as Wobbuffet is to Pokemon!! It all makes sense now!
All the signs were there... How could we not have seen it?

In other news. Life is going swimmingly. Production is going well on all ends. I'm even possibly making some ties to Frederator, the producers of Adventure Time and Fairly Oddparents just to name a few. I've begun animating again. Beginning with a spoof. Cause hey, who doesn't like a good spoof? I'm trying to have it finished by November before Christmas for sure. And I'm moving along pretty well. It's a very gag upon gag joke. And it's not a technical feat by any means so it's incredibly possible.

And as always if you haven't seen it:

Oh - My - God !

Posted by OdellAtkinson - July 30th, 2013


Listen to Howard Ellison as he records the Narration in the up n' coming game Home, directed by yours truly. And Produced by the group that brought you the Newgrounds success: Salem

(Note: It was recorded on secondary equipment. I need to figure out a way to get the better audio from both ends. :/)

Also, it's just come to my attention that I will very likely be directing Jess Harnell, of Animaniacs and Transformers success, for a Convention stage show. To which I simultaneously pissed and shit myself beyond measure. It's a complete honor and I look forward to meeting the living legend.

Posted by OdellAtkinson - July 15th, 2013

So for those of you who have been following my work I am Directing a game that is being produced by Mar-ble Team. The same team who brought you Salem

The next game is called Home.

You play as three elementals who escape a living factory who is now hot on their trail as they run cross country to get home. It was originally going to be released as a puzzle game. But as development went on we just didn't feel the same way as we did at the start. It's not that it wasn't enjoyable, or good. The tedium of planning weighed heavy on all of us. So we're currently going through a huge game overhaul. It is now an action platformer in the vein of: Donkey Kong, Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog and some nuance and a touch of Metroid.
We're still in early development but we've figured out the work flow and are moving along splendidly.

In other news I am featured in a new game releasing this Fall? Winter? For the PS3 called Stick It to the Man. A few newgrounds alumni are featured in it as well. Hnilmik and Apatheria, and Sapphire I believe. >_> And forgive me if I left anybody out.

What else is going on? I've got a few things coming out here and there on newgrounds. It's up to the artists now. n_n But hey we all know how it is, balancing your passions and... everything thing else that STANDS IN THE WAY OF YOUR HAPPINESS!!

SO!! Since the dialogue for Home is in the process of being re-written here are some snippets of dialogue that have been cut. The cast remains the same: Kyle Hebert of Dragonball Z fame, Jon Bailey of a LOT of movie trailers fame, and Abby Collins of Transformers fame, and newcomer to the states Howard Ellison.

So here are the clips:
Kyle as Kindle the Fire Elemental
Abby as Spindle the Jungle Elemental
Jon as the Water Elemental
and Howard as the Narrator

So there we have it. My big update. Hehe. And the new character designs will look something like the below.
Thanks guys! Your support means everything. Buy us cocaine if you see us around. We could use the bump.

Game In the Making

Posted by OdellAtkinson - May 4th, 2013


I am updating from atop my toilet. Taking a shit while I update. Cause I'm modern.

Still playing catch up on the projects.
Dieseling and I are talking about our next toon. I'll be playing a "Dracula". There's a clue.

I've involved the one and only Rice Pirate for the cartoon pitch to Nickelodeon, he'll be playing a handful of characters. Thank you Mr. Pirate.

One day. ONE DAY!! I will be doing a cartoon with TerminalMontage... Timing's just not right.

BabyCline's comics!! His style is heavily inspired by Adventure Time and some other really modern cartoons. He's new to the newgrounds scene, show him some love and some 5's. His stuff is funny as hell.

Seems I'm peddling for everyone else more than myself in this update. Hahaha

Aaaand an image from the upcoming release: Home.

Just Took a Wicked Huge Poop, I'm Still On the Toilet as I Type This

Posted by OdellAtkinson - April 11th, 2013

Progress comes smoothly as of now for the development of Home. We're about 1.3/4 complete as far as level design goes and growing. And I'm here to reveal my next voice actor in the list: Abby Collins, daughter of legendary Chris Latta, the voice of Gen 1 Decepticon Starscream, and the orginal Cobra Commander from G.I. Joe, is playing the character of Spindle, the Jungle Element.


And don't forget to watch Kyle Hebert, of Dragon Ball Z and Naruto fame as he records as Kindle, the Fire Element.


Give it a listen, a watch, and enjoy.

Other than that I've got a toon very near completion with Dieseling that will be coming out in the next week or two which is going to be very funny. And another project with Emrox that should be coming out... if I had to guess I'd say in the same amount of time also.

And there's a likely chance I'll be working on an Xbox Indie Arcade game. Has anyone played any of the games from Baller Industries? I think their games kinda... suck. But payday is payday. :/ I think I worked on this one. I can't remember though, it's been so long. I believe I played Saddam Hussein in one of their games.

ANYHOO! Drop me a line if you're in need of some voice acting. I'm readily available my friends.

Posted by OdellAtkinson - March 1st, 2013

I have a LOT of things happening right now. I'm recording for a console game, because of NDA's (Non-Disclosure Agreements) I can't say what, but I am playing a Shee-yut load of characters in it. I am currently directing another game with Mar-ble Team, the team who made our last successful game, Salem. And it features some of the best voice actors money can buy, or favors can call in. Hehe. I'll reveal members of the cast as we get closer to release, and drop little gems here and there.

I'm currently in the works of a fantastic animation with Dieseling based on Captain Falcon. I PLAY Captain Falcon in this and it will feature Ricepirate, cause... why wouldn't it? I did all my own stunts for this toon too.

Along with that I should have things coming out with MangaFood in the very near future. And on top of that I'm supposed to be working on a potential TV pitch to Nickelodeon, but that's more or less in discussions right now. But, I am this.

Keep in touch you'll be hearing a lot from me from here on out, ladies and gentlemen.

Also, check out my youtube now. I'll be releasing more Behind the Scenes material for my next video game release.